TOS: the database of Policies and 'Terms Of Services' for Software and Websites.

Atexto 2021-05-25
Dezer - podcasters 2020-07-02
Dezer - community 2020-07-02
Fintonic - cookies 2018-12-14
Fintonic - Privacy 2018-12-14
FINTONIC 2018-12-14
Fik Stores 2013-11-11
Fik Observatory - privacy 2013-11-11
DIY Show 2013-11-11
DaWanda 2013-11-11
El mundo privacy 2013-11-11
Elmundo 2013-11-11
Seetio 2013-10-28
IronMountain privacy 2013-09-10
Dwappo 2013-08-06
Bbvavivienda 2013-07-02
Vueling 2013-05-16
Invierteme, Privacy 2013-05-15
Ticketea 2013-04-24
Lanzanos 2013-04-24
Banco Sabadell SMP 2012-01-26
Cesicat SMP 2012-01-26
Generalidad de Cataluña SMP 2012-01-26
Patricia De Andres SMP 2012-01-26
Abanlex SMP 2012-01-26
Poliedric SMP 2012-01-26
Zararadio 2011-11-30
Ivoox 2011-05-18

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